Giving Back

We started this Lunar New Year with a donation to a small local charity called ImpactHK which supports the homeless by letting them know that there are people who care about them. We have been following their stories for a while. What we like about small charities like ImpactHK is that you can see exactly where your donation is going and who you are helping, and can follow up on the development of a particular project.

That being said we also donate to large organizations such as UNHCR and UNICEF. One of our good friends works for UNICEF, having seen first hand his work and heard about his experience from visiting refugee camps, we know how important it is to support these organizations.

Sometimes reading the news is a frightening thing because the world seems to be a frightening place and we feel our efforts and voices are too insignificant. But we cannot imagine living a life without hope. At Sevun, we believe in having positive attitudes and being hopeful. We strongly believe that giving back is a fundamental responsibility of a citizen; it makes everything we do worthwhile.

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