Paris in May

Paris, the city of light, was the backdrop to my friends’ wedding. Taking place atop the Theatre des Champs-Elysees in the chic Maison Blanche restaurant it was a picture perfect affair. The gorgeous couple was surrounded by their family and friends in the intimate space while the cloudless sky above punctuated the joyous atmosphere. Needless to say, tears of joy were flowing and love was thick in the clear Parisian air.

Witnessing my friends slip on their Sevun wedding bands was really moving. Prior to that evening, the simple gold bands were just that- simple gold bands. But once they slid on their fingers, they instantly became full of meaning and memories.

After the wedding, I took a leisurely stroll along the Jardine des Tuileries before stopping by the Musée de l’Orangerie, a small gallery known for the enormous Water Lillies mural by Monet. The museum’s elliptical interior is a breathtaking, dramatic space that makes the observer feel like they’re the ones being observed.

With nowhere to be, and no one to meet, I then wandered aimlessly toward the Pont des Arts on the river Seine.  The famous “love-lock” bridge, now lock-less because of potential structural damage to the bridge, still shows signs of “love” with the word graffitied on various spots of the bridge. It’s touristy but nonetheless romantic.

At the end of the bridge, I had a decision to make. I had the option of going either left or right. I decided to follow the wind and quickly spotted a bright silver color metal tree in a courtyard in the distance. Poking out over an arch entrance, the piece of contemporary art stood out in sharp contrast with the 18th century building it was in. I had stumbled upon Subodh Gupta’s exhibition (from April 13, 2018 – August 26, 2018) in Monnaie de Paris , an internationally acclaimed contemporary artist from India. Gupta uses metal subjects mostly pots, pans and other kitchenware to create large statues and fixtures – but instead of feeling rigid and stiff it gave off a sense of fluidity and motion. As a jewelry designer, it was very inspiring to see the flow and movement of his metal work. How we can make a hard material and objects appear alive is something I always ponder about.

Another exhibition that inspired me was Gustav Klimt at the Atelier des Lumières (from April 13, 2018 – August 26, 2018). 2018 happened to be the the hundredth anniversary of the painter’s death. My good friend in San Francisco had told me about this exhibition but when I tried to book online, the dates were already sold out. Nevertheless, I went to the atelier and lined up outside for one hour to gain entry. It was well worth it! It wasn’t your regular art exhibition as the paintings were projected onto the gigantic walls of the atelier and brought to live by soul touching classical music. Viewers were completely immersed in this striking environment. I stood there and watched it three times, not wanting to leave. It was an out-of-this-world type of place to temporarily escape reality and to contemplate whatever it is that you want to think about.

On my last morning, while I was heading to the airport, it started to rain in a mystical and peaceful way. For me, Paris is even more beautiful in the rain. I loved my art and love filled long weekend in Paris. I can’t wait to return.

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